Sunday, Advent Week 2

The Psalms of Advent

Over the last few days, we have listened together to Psalm 72, verses 1-7 and 18-19, the Advent psalm appointed for the liturgy of worship for this second Sunday in Advent.  Below are links to two translations (the more formal and poetic New Revised Standard Version and the easier to read Common English Bible) and one paraphrase, written in every day language (The Message).  Denominations across the world who use the Revised Common Lectionary to select their scripture passages will be reciting or hearing this same ancient psalm, written for and about kings who lived long, long ago, yet a psalm that still speaks with relevance to us.

I have shared the words or phrases I have heard.  Today, I take Sabbath to sit with my reflections, while also wondering what you have heard?  What word or phrase has invited you, guided you, spoken to you, or surprised or bothered you?  What might the universal Spirit be saying to you in this season of seeking?  I would be honored to know.

Blessings on your Sabbath ~ Rosemary

Published by remcmahan

Poet, writer, minister, wanderer, traveler on the way, Light-seeker ~ hoping others will join me on the journey of discovering who we are and were meant to be. You can reach me at or at my blog,

4 thoughts on “Sunday, Advent Week 2

  1. What catches my attention is the repetitive use of the word “May” in the NRSV phrases: “May…..”. To me that word evokes our ability to bless, and to give/say a blessing is a very sacred act. I will think of this as a powerful (and intimate) action when I pray this psalm for our leaders and those in authority. It, for me, is very different than the word “Let…” used in the Common English version. Thank you, dear Rosemary for walking with us so beautifully these first weeks of Advent with narrative, pictures and poetry and for your wisdom and gentle nudges.🙏

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    1. Thank you for sharing! Yes, “may” and “let” are different verbs. The CEB was written to be more appealing to young people, including children. It is actually written for a 7th grade reading level which makes it widely accessible, which is a good thing. But I prefer the poetry of the NRSV. “May” wisdom prevail for our leaders and may they turn their hearts to the Creator.


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